Sunday, January 17, 2010


So I finally made it! After 36 hours of traveling, a hotel in london and many manyyyyy delays I'm finally in Barcelona. I've been here for a few days and already I know that I never want to leave. This place is like nothing I have ever experienced in my entire life.
On Friday my roomates and I moved in to our new apartment. It is wonderful! The people at CEA prepared us for a semester living in a small dungeon with cockroaches, but we were pleasantly surprised to find out place decked out in Ikea and very spacious.
My favorite day thus far was saturday. Andrew, adam, joe and I went and got lost in the city. We visited sagrada familia and then ventured over to the Gaudi house. I was blown away by the spectacular architecture and what a genius Gaudi really was. That day we must have walked for at least 4 miles. After the house we went to Corte Ingles (basically a ten stiry macys) to get andrew some linnens. I have never seen such a crowded department store in my life. We've decided this is officially our least favorite place in the city. Andrew managed to get his shoelace stuck on the escalator and was pulled into the splits by the moving stairs. It was a sight to see. We managed to free him and found a small restaurant that had the best payella (sp?) in the area. Here we watched fc barcelona kill sevilla on a small tv. When this was over it was about 11pm. Time to get ready for the night out! (I missed my siesta though) we partied all night most of the clubs here don't close until about 6am. (Just my style). I have so much more to tell but I am laying in bed and the tylenol pm is kicking in. I will try to write again tomorrow with more detail and more interesting, detailed stories.


1 comment:

  1. goodluck with the new blog

    come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think
